Cauliflower the Superfood

A few posts ago we discussed Kale, an amazing superfood. Continuing in our superfood exploration, today we discuss Cauliflower. Cauliflower is the incredibly nutritious, less popular cousin to broccoli. Let’s explore why Cauliflower is just as much of a “superstar” as broccoli.

Photo: Horla Varlan

Cauliflower has amazing health benefits. It is a cruciferous vegetable. This means it is part of a family of vegetables that are known for fighting cancer. Cauliflower has sulforaphane which has been known to slow tumor growth. This same component of cauliflower improves blood pressure and kidney functions. Cauliflower is also rich in a B-vitamin called choline which is great for brain health.

Photo: Jules Morgan 

Cauliflower is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. There are far too many nutrients in cauliflower to name. One serving provides you with 77% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. It is also a great source of protein and fiber. Incorporating cauliflower into your regular diet can increase your intake of these nutrients. Cauliflower is rich in dietary fibers which is beneficial for digestive health. It also aids your body in detoxification. Both are important for the health of your stomach.

Photo: Jessica Spengler

Incorporating cauliflower into your regular diet doesn’t have to be difficult. Cauliflower is such a versatile vegetable that it can be added to almost any meal. For example, you can use it to complement protein dishes or simply steam it and add it as a side dish. Looking for a rice or couscous replacement? Try out some cauliflower rice. It’s an easy way to eat plenty of cauliflower in place of carbs. And yes it tastes just as good! We hope we have convinced you on why cauliflower is a superfood! 

Want more recipes? Try out some of these below:

Cauliflower and Chickpea Curry

23 Cauliflower Recipes


Tell us, are you a fan of cauliflower?

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